Our current restoration work is being funded through a Pollution Recovery Fund Grant from the Hillsborough County Environmental Protection Commission. The EPC puts out a
newsletter to inform the public about how Pollution Recovery Fund dollars are being spent. There is a nice little blurb at the bottom of page four about our project with a couple of nice before and after pictures.

Looking to the NW over the drainage from Buttonbush pond to the Big Sink the change is dramatic. The first composite taken in August '08 shows the drainage completely covered in air potato (
Dioscorea bulbifera) and skunk vine (
Paederia foetida).

More noticeable in the second composite taken in December '08, the non native invasives were also making their way into and competing with the canopy of the longleaf pines (
Pinus palustris).
Even though most of it appears brown and crunchy; there are many native shrubs and herbaceous species that even in the midst of winter are actively filling in the new growing space where the non natives were treated. Yay!